Georgina, the research on your hotglue page looks channeled, specific and strong, though it's not represented as such in your PDF. Try to understand better what the core concepts of your research is and how to communicate this through a presentation. For instance in writing 'why' you chose the location, you could have elaborated more on the history, the context and the overal consensus of Rotterdammers toward the tunnel (mostly positive) juxtaposed with your own experience. This then lays the groundwork for the slides that folllow. In the showing of the map, I remember you stating that the elevator is a particularly unsafe feeling space, in the mapping I see the closing of the space as one that underlines a feeling of isolation and potential danger, but this cannot be read from the map.
When you're researching the space from a female/feminist/gendered point of view, it is helpful to make your mappings within this frame work. So perhaps we see where it feels safe and doesnt feel safe, or the gender of the people present on the map and time of day etc. These layers reveal or touch upon the subject you're researching. The excerpt "Tunnel of Love" and general tunnel-nostalgia paired with your personal experiences and the research you've done with catcalling culture in Rotterdam (legal implications) are evocative and strong. Try to find more ways to build a narrative on these elements and core concepts. Perhaps you are working to create a database or archive on the dark side of the 'Tunnel of Love', what would that critical view look like and what do you want people to understand or question through this work?
- There needs to be something that triggers the viewer to visit the website
- make it removable for the workers in the tunnel
- make it a performance -> am I apart of it? how can i engage people?
- think of different ways to intervene with the passer-bys
- use the maas tunnel house style & lure people in with the image of the tunnel of love
Feedback on the walkthrough harassment sound installation:
- too confronting, could be triggering to a lot of people
- will there be sound? will there be stories?
- think about acoustics in the tunnel
- how do people react to the flyers?
- interview someone in tunnel

In presentation:
- mention social dynamic, what was i looking a?
- explain small scale intervention and big scale (if i had more time and $)